Monday, 13 July 2015

Week 7

That familiar heartache, that heavy heart, and that sour feeling you get when people calls out to his name. It was familiar, I kept telling myself that I've been through this and I can do it again. I miss him so much, I visited our favourite country, invited friends to our villa, but there were still people asking about you. I do not know what's the best answer to their question. I closed my eyes and took many deep breaths before I was ready to face the world again. I can't believe I have lost you. Although I've conquered something similar, why does it seem harder this time round?

I thought to myself that I'm gonna take one year off, or maybe just be single till I am ready to face the real world again. 

I opened my eyes and took at least 10 seconds to digest everything. I finally knew realised what was going on. It was a fucking nightmare. I reached out for my phone and texted you right away. I couldn't believe this! Everything was so real. Can't believe I didn't wake up feeling relieved right away, but I actually took awhile to realise it was a dream and now I'm back in reality, and you're well alive.

There was a fatal accident yesterday around our area and our heart sank upon knowing someone died on the spot. We kept speaking about it, feeling really sorry for the motorcyclist and even read the news regarding the same accident.

By the way, If you're wondering, I was told he died suddenly (can't remember the cause of his death) and I lost him suddenly.


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